VDOT urges motorists to avoid travel as snow continues to fall
Published 10:28 am Saturday, January 7, 2017
- Photo by Italia Gregory A picture taken Saturday morning in Drakes Branch shows the snow accumulation thus far.
Approximately 6-7 inches of snow has fallen across the area, and the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) continues to urge motorists to avoid travel during icy, snowy road conditions.
Roads across the area are in moderate condition, meaning that icy patches or snow could cover major portions of the roadway.
Snow is expected to continue falling mainly before noon, with a total daytime snow accumulation of 4-8 inches possible. This will reduce visibility and further impede travel.
Virginia State Police have spent the overnight hours responding to multiple calls across the commonwealth for disabled and crashed vehicles. Road conditions are treacherous.
Motorists are reminded that snowplow operators will work on primary routes (those numbered 1-599) until winter weather has ended and major roads are treated, with a goal to have all state-maintained roadways passable within 48 hours after a storm has ended. Passable does not necessarily mean the road will be clear, and with temperatures expected to be below freezing into next week, it is likely that some snow/ice will remain on surfaces.
Traffic alerts and traveler information are available at www.511Virginia.org, on VDOT’s 511 mobile app or by calling 511 from any phone in Virginia. Updates are available by following the Lynchburg District on Twitter at @VaDOTLynchburg. Additional information is also available on VDOT’s webpage at www.VirginiaDOT.org.
Weather related road issues can be reported by calling 1-800-FOR-ROADS (1-800-367-7623) or by going to https://my.vdot.virginia.gov/.