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Charlotte County

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Thousands without power in Charlotte County, as cleanup goes on

The number of power outages in Charlotte County rose overnight. The same goes for both neighboring Prince Edward ...

Winter Storm Harlow

News Main

Winter Storm Harlow causes outages, with full damage still unclear

It’s going to take a while before the lights are back on for everyone. That was the assessment ...

Charlotte County Board of Supervisors Quarter Horse Solar


Multiple solar bills fall short, one remains in Assembly

There was a bit of a sigh of relief Monday, after the Virginia Senate finished voting. Late last ...

solar Quarter Horse Solar


Charlotte County sheriff issues construction fraud warning

Be careful who you hire to do construction on your home or business. That was the advice issued ...

church and community calendar


Gazette Church and Community Calendar week of Feb.1

The Church and Community calendar is published each Wednesday. Items must be submitted by 4:30 p.m. Monday for ...

Truckers Parade Against Cancer


Truckers Parade Against Cancer earns national title for their work

It’s about more than raising money. That’s one thing Relay for Life and American Cancer Society officials wanted ...

Charlotte County Board of Supervisors Quarter Horse Solar


Solar projects raise concerns about potential for fire

In virtually every solar hearing, both here in Charlotte and in neighboring counties, there’s one question asked. And ...

Charlotte County schools


November bus incident leads to Charlotte transfer questions now

In November, there was an incident reported on a Charlotte County Public Schools bus. As it was described ...

Virginia tax cut Charlotte County supervisors federal funding freeze


Federal funding freeze halted, nonprofits and programs get reprieve

UPDATE: Well, that didn’t take long. There’s no more federal funding freeze. The Office of Management and Budget ...

spelling bee


Spelling Bee champion crowned for Charlotte County

It was a test of endurance just as much as memory. After 25 rounds on Tuesday, Jan. 28, ...

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