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Letter to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Tammy Mulchi: Here’s my goals for this year’s Assembly session

I hope each of you had a wonderful Christmas filled with love and cherished moments with family and ...

Virginia tax cut Charlotte County supervisors


Tommy Wright: Why do some people oppose a Virginia tax cut?

The 2025 General Assembly Session will start Wednesday, Jan. 6 and Democrats have apparently learned nothing from the ...

Christmas bells


From the Editor’s Desk: Christmas bells ring out, what do you hear?

He hadn’t given permission. I mean that didn’t matter now, because Charles was gone. But it was another ...

Christmas carols Christmas wreath


Judy Moore: A History of Christmas Carols, Through the Centuries

Christmas is a time for celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ and we sing carols as ...


Tammy Mulchi: Less than two weeks left

We will be less than two weeks away from the November 5 election by the time this article ...


Mike Wilson: How I spent my summer vacation

How did I spend my (late) summer vacation? Short version: In a sensorial semi-fog. Detailed version: Plan A ...


Tommy Wright: A necessary review

Late last week the U.S. Department of Justice announced that it was suing the Commonwealth, seeking to stop ...


Tammy Mulchi: An old law, a new lawsuit

As you may recall, Governor Youngkin filed Executive Order #35 in August to secure Virginia’s elections. The order ...


From the Editor’s Desk: You never know what you’re missing

I was wondering when the first call about this would come in. And when it did happen, basically ...

The Editor's Desk


From the Editor’s Desk: You’d be surprised how much that helps

They said it was pretty impressive how quickly the thing spread. And no, that’s not an actual compliment. ...

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