Don’t forget, we need you

Published 12:59 pm Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Remember a while back when our paper encouraged readers to submit letters to the editor, guest columns and Pictures of the Week to us to print on our opinion page? Well, we are asking you to remember that.

We would love to run your opinions on different topics happening in our community, because we are here for you — our readers. We want you to be able to voice your opinion to our community so that other readers know a different side to subjects that may be affecting you too.

Want to write about whether you think Mid-Atlantic Broadband Communities Corp. should partner with B2X Online Inc. to provide better internet services in our area?

Tell us all about it, and why you think it should or should not consider it.

Want to commend a community member on a job well done at a recent project? Tell us who and how great they are. Even better, send us a picture of them. We would love to make them the Picture of the Week.

Last week, we had a really interesting column on the opinion page by Alice Russell and that reminded me of how much our paper needs readers and writers like you.

So, when you are out on the town marveling at your surroundings or brainstorming improvements in the community that Charlotte County could benefit from, don’t forget about the Gazette and how we can help your voice be heard.

Hannah Davis is the editor of The Charlotte Gazette. She can be reached at hannah.davis@thecharlottegazettecom