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Letter to the Editor Charlotte County

Letters to the Editor

Tammy Mulchi: Here’s my goals for this year’s Assembly session

I hope each of you had a wonderful Christmas filled with love and cherished moments with family and ...

Virginia tax cut Charlotte County supervisors federal funding freeze


Tommy Wright: Why do some people oppose a Virginia tax cut?

The 2025 General Assembly Session will start Wednesday, Jan. 6 and Democrats have apparently learned nothing from the ...

Christmas bells


From the Editor’s Desk: Christmas bells ring out, what do you hear?

He hadn’t given permission. I mean that didn’t matter now, because Charles was gone. But it was another ...

Christmas carols Christmas wreath


Judy Moore: A History of Christmas Carols, Through the Centuries

Christmas is a time for celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ and we sing carols as ...

The Editor's Desk


From the Editor’s Desk: You’d be surprised how much that helps

They said it was pretty impressive how quickly the thing spread. And no, that’s not an actual compliment. ...

Charlotte Court House Bank of Charlotte Charlotte commission


Mike Wilson: I deeply sympathize with Rodney Dangerfield

I was deeply saddened when my favorite comedian Rodney Dangerfield (you will remember him as bug-eyed, sweaty, and ...

Sunday hunting gearing up


Mike Wilson: Need help hunting? It’s a how-to guide to gearing up

A well-heeled middle-aged acquaintance of mine recently decided to take up hunting for the first time and asked ...


Letter to the Editor: Tanyard Spring Sale

Dear Editor, The Gazette’s articles of May 8 and 22 did not tell the full story on the ...

Bible Following Our Father


James Cameron Bailey: Sometimes, we hold on too long

How many contacts do you have in your cell phone? If you’re anything like me…a bunch. Last month ...

boys of fall Tigers


FOOTBALL PREVIEW: Paying tribute to ‘the boys of fall’

We played on grass, mud or whatever was available. If the only option was the concrete parking lot, ...

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