Latest Editorials


Publisher’s Notebook: Honor and remember our fallen heroes

Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for those who died in the service of the United States ...


From the Editor’s Desk: We should all aim to be like Sarah Hale

The letters just kept coming. Year after year, decade after decade. Sarah Hale never stopped, despite being ignored. ...


From the Editor’s Desk: I think I’ve seen this movie before

The emails started coming in not even a day after the story went up. Last week, we covered ...

American Revolution


From the Editor’s Desk: Lessons from an American Revolution

A British doctor named Richard Schuckburg came up with the idea. In 1755, he came up with some ...

Randolph-Henry High chronic absences


From the Editor’s Desk: Promises don’t help Charlotte County schools

The biggest problem isn’t about this year’s budget for Charlotte County schools. Yes, it’s annoying to deal with, ...

new laws election security Charlotte County polling places


From the Editor’s Desk — The ‘local stuff’ matters in Charlotte County

This story takes us a bit away from Charlotte County, but hang on. I’ll come back home in ...


Big Tech steamrolls newspapers

Today’s editorial is courtesy of our friend and newspaper colleague Brett Wesner, chair of the National Newspaper Association. ...


Editorial — Time to support local news is now

Today we hand over this space to Dean Ridings, CEO of the America’s Newspapers trade organization, for an ...


Editorial — Bipartisan budget good for Virginia

Government gridlock can frustrate partisans on both sides of the aisle, but in a purple state like Virginia, ...


His thoughts — Modern education misses mark

All of us can look back and recall the great teachers we had growing up. The teachers who ...

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