Rose earns State Secretary title

Published 11:43 am Thursday, January 18, 2024

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The goal here was twofold. Randolph-Henry student Rhettia Rose both wanted to help her classmates and also improve her own resume for college. And so, she applied to the Jobs for Virginia Graduates (JVG) program, working to be one of their state officers. In doing so, Rose shared some of her own story. 

Her mother was an addict and her father was absent. At the age of eight, she was removed from her mother’s care and placed with her maternal grandparents. And despite those challenges, she climbed to be seventh in her class when it comes to grades and preparing for college. That’s how Rose started her application, showing JVG officials the work she did and continues to do. Now, after months of crafting essays, securing letters of support and being interviewed in Zoom calls, Rose has been chosen as the group’s state secretary, the first Charlotte County resident to hold the position. 

But with that announcement also comes a natural question. What is JVG and how does it help Virginia high school students? To explain, JVG is a nonprofit organization whose goal is to help struggling, impoverished and otherwise marginalized students, providing support to help them both graduate high school and figure out what comes afterward. Maybe they want to go to college. Maybe they want to go straight into the workforce or join the military. Working through and with other high school students, JVG designs programs that give the students hands-on learning. 

For example, students work on career planning and decision making, how to look for and keep a job, as well as identifying their own skillset. The help doesn’t end when the graduate gets a job either. They get 12 months of follow-up assistance, to answer questions and provide support either in the workforce or in college. 

Working with this group ties in to Rose’s career goals, as she wants to help others who have had similar experiences to herself. She especially wants to help improve the adoption and foster care systems, giving students in those places the support they need to succeed. 


So now Rose has the state secretary position. What does that mean? As state secretary, Rose joins meetings that are once a month. She takes notes and sends out meeting minutes. Also she assists the state president and vice president. Rose said she is gaining leadership skills and learning new ways to advocate for others and herself by being a part of the nonprofit. She added that technical life skills and learning how to do job interviews has also been helpful. 

“In her role as State Secretary, Rhettia is responsible for a range of duties aimed at advancing the mission of Jobs for Virginia Graduates and supporting her peers in their career development journeys,” said Randolph-Henry Principal Erin Davis. “Her outstanding achievements in this capacity have not only granted her a unique leadership opportunity but also earned her a spot at the Jobs for America’s Graduates National Student Leadership Academy in Washington D.C. We want to congratulate Rhettia Rose for representing Randolph-Henry High in such an important leadership role.” 


So after helping others with post-graduation plans, what happens to Rose after this year? As mentioned earlier, she’ll graduate seventh in her class, having dual-enrolled with Southside Virginia Community College. She goes just up the road to Longwood University this fall, to become a Lancer and says she wants to further help people as she can.