R-H joins ‘Be the Light’ movement

Published 9:33 am Thursday, May 7, 2020

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Randolph-Henry High School (R-H) Athletics will be participating in the “Be the Light” national movement to honor its Class of 2020, according to a school press release.

The release noted that during the week of May 11-15, the stadium lights will be shining bright beginning at 8:20 p.m., or 2020 military time, for 20 minutes each night.

R-H Director of Athletics and Assistant Principal Christopher Holt stated in the release that within this particular week, most of the school’s spring sports senior recognitions would have occurred.

“We see this as one way to honor our senior student-athletes in light of their current situation due to COVID-19,” he stated in the release. “Traditional senior events are not occurring, and this is one small way we can offer our appreciation and due respect to our 2020 class.”