Published 9:42 am Thursday, September 5, 2019
Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...
Church and Community Events calendar is published each Wednesday. Items must be submitted by 4:30 p.m. on Monday for that Wednesday’s calendar. Email events to
INTRO TO COMPUTERS FOR ADULTS, 4-6 p.m. at the Charlotte Adult Learning Center, Charlotte Court House. You’ll learn the basics of computing, including intro to certain helpful tools. After this, you’ll know how to use Facebook and other social media. Call for information or to reserve your spot at (434) 542-5782.
COMMUNITY MEETING, 7 p.m. at Bacon District Firehouse hosted by Kay Morgan Pierantoni, Supervisor.
FALL CONCERT, 7 p.m. featuring Ken Vaiden, a native of Chase City and Peggy Vaughan, of Keysville at Victoria Baptist Church, intersection of Eighth Street and Washington Avenue. Handicapped parking is available as is elevator access to the sanctuary level. In the event of storm-related hazards or power outages, the concert will take place on Sept. 13. For more information, visit the Facebook page of Lunenburg County Community Concerts or call (434) 696-2025.
COMMUNITY FUN DAY, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at Emmanuel Bible Church, 401 Southern Drive, Keysville. Let’s all come together as a community and get to know one another. Great fellowship and fun for everyone in the Lord. Attractions include inflatables, cake walk, music, food, indoor and outdoor games and more. Come on out for good Christian fun.
QUARTERLY MEETING, noon, at New Hope Baptist Church of Keysville. All members are asked to attend.
GOSPEL CONCERT, 3 p.m. at Mossingford Baptist Church. The singing group in concert is out of South Boston. All are welcome.
HONORING FIRST RESPONDERS, 11 a.m. at New Hope United Methodist Church, 6101 Scuffletown Road, Randolph, to honor first responders, police, fire and rescue organizations and staff. Lunch will follow. The Rev. Philip Hong, pastor, will lead the service. For more information, call Pastor Hong at (434) 208-8141.
FOUR SEASON TEA, 3 p.m. at Mossingford Baptist Church. Come out in support of your favorite season. The Rev. Michael Haskins, Organ Hill Baptist, will be the guest speaker.
REVIVAL, 11 a.m., at Concord Baptist Church, 3225 Germantown Road, Charlotte Court House, beginning with Sunday service, followed by lunch. Revival will begin Sunday at 7 p.m. with special music each night. The Rev. Rick Ewing, Pleasant View Baptist, Lynchburg, will be the guest speaker. Everyone is welcome.
FAMILY AND FRIENDS DAY, 11 a.m. at St. Michael Baptist Church. Pastor James Goode will deliver the message and the senior choir will render the music. Lunch will be served.
175 YEARS OF MINISTRY, 11 a.m. at New Store Presbyterian Church. Lunch will be served. Anyone who has photos or memories to share about the history of the church are asked to contact Terri Harris at (434) 838-0255 or by email at harris9969@
Stories may also be emailed to Karen Wolfe at kwolfe1038@gmail. com.
HOMECOMING PARADE, 5 p.m. for Randolph-Henry High School. Line-up will begin at 4 p.m. on Statesmen Drive. For more information, contact Patrick Shay at shayp@
WINE FESTIVAL, 1-7 p.m. hosted by the Barksdale Cancer Foundation at the historic Gil-Har House in Phenix. Entertainment will be provided by the Stoney Ridge Band of Keysville and Public Consumption from Halifax.
DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE MEETINGS, 7 p.m. every third Monday of the month at the Drakes Branch Municipal Office, 4800 Drakes Main St., Drakes Branch. Contact Rebecca Daly at (434) 454-0122 for more information.