Smith named Landstar Roadstar® honoree Michael Smith
Published 11:22 am Monday, July 29, 2019
Michael Smith, of Saxe, was recently recognized as a Landstar Roadstar® honoree.
Landstar System, Inc. (NASDAQ:LSTR) is a worldwide, asset-light provider of integrated transportation management solutions delivering safe, specialized transportation services.
Roadstar status is one of the highest levels of recognition a Landstar business capacity owner (BCO) can receive at Landstar. BCO is Landstar’s term for the independent truck owner-operators who provide the company with transportation capacity under exclusive lease agreements.
Of the 1,043 active Landstar Million Mile Safe Drivers, only 14 earned the Roadstar distinction during the annual BCO All-Star Celebration held earlier this month in Savannah, Georgia. Landstar Roadstar inductees are chosen for their consistently high levels of safety, productivity and excellence in customer service. Each Roadstar honoree selected was previously recognized as a Landstar Million Mile Safe Driver, meaning he has driven more than 1 million consecutive miles without a preventable accident.
“Saxe should be proud of Michael Smith. As a Roadstar honoree, he epitomizes the driving profession,” said Landstar President and CEO Jim Gattoni. “Mike’s outstanding productivity and safety record sets the bar for the entire trucking industry. Members of the 2018 Class of Roadstar honorees have earned the right to be called Landstar’s best independent owner-operators.”
The new Roadstar inductees raise the total number of active Landstar Roadstar recipients to 176. Landstar first began awarding the honor in 1990. For a complete list of the 2018 Class of Landstar Roadstar honorees please visit