Published 12:53 pm Wednesday, March 20, 2019
The Church and Community Events calendar is published each Wednesday. Items must be submitted by 4:30 p.m. on Monday for that Wednesday’s calendar. Email events to
LENTEN LUNCHEON, noon at Keysville United Methodist Church, Church Street, Keysville. Bring a sandwich. Drinks and dessert will be provided. The speaker will be the Rev. Michael Teixeira, Phenix UMC.
MARCH 20-22
ANNUAL SPRING/YOUTH REVIVAL, 7:30 p.m. nightly at Mt. Zion Baptist Church, 1303 Mt. Zion Road, Red House. Pastor Frederick Anderson, Mt. Airy Baptist Church in Gretna will be the guest pastor. Song, prayer and praise service begins at 7 p.m.
SPRING YOUTH REVIVAL, 7:30 p.m. at St. Andrews Baptist Church. Prayer and praise will begin each night at 7 p.m. Different guest speakers each night.
MOAA TO MEET, 1 p.m. at Riverside Café in Farmville. Scott Miller, assistant director of VA Department of Veterans’ Services Cemetery Agency, who oversees the Amelia Cemetery, will share information about its services for veterans and spouses. A self-pay lunch will follow. All active, former and retired military officers and spouses are welcome to attend.
EUREKA COLOR RUN, 10 a.m. Register with any student or teacher at Eureka by March 1. All ages welcome. Proceeds benefit Eureka’s SOAR program.
MAKE IT HAPPEN: WOMEN AS LEADERS, 2 p.m. at the Farmville-Prince Edward Community Library. This event is for women interested in learning about running for political office.
HAM DINNER, take-out orders, 4:30-5:30 p.m., eat in, 5:30-7 p.m. at Mt. Harmony United Methodist Church, 3505 Mt. Harmony Road, Keysville. For more information, call (434) 736-0208.
ART SHOW OPENING RECEPTION, 6-8 p.m. at the Randolph-Henry High School Library. A meet and greet with the artists will be held and refreshments will be provided. Artwork will be for sale. Participants must be a student at Randolph-Henry. This event is sponsored by the Randolph-Henry High School Art Club and Library Club.
ANNUAL STATES’ RALLY, 3 p.m. at the Tabernacle Baptist Church, located on U.S. Route 360, Drakes Branch. Rendering the music for the afternoon will be the Calvary Baptist Church Youth Choir and Voices For Christ. Learn interesting facts about various states. Hope to see you there.
MARCH 25-29
REVIVAL, 7 p.m. nightly at Tabernacle Baptist Church, 790 Saxkey Road, Drakes Branch. Guest Evangelist will be Dr. Don Anderson.
BEDTIME STORIES, 6:30-7:30 p.m. at the Patrick Henry Memorial Library for ages three to five years. Wear your favorite PJs. Free and open to the public.
LENTEN LUNCHEON, noon at Keysville United Methodist Church, Church Street, Keysville. Bring a sandwich. Drinks and dessert will be provided. The speaker will be the Rev. James Kim, West Brunswick UMC.
MAKE IT HAPPEN: WOMEN AS LEADERS, 7 p.m. at Longwood University in Grainger 101. This event is for women interested in learning about running for political office.
STEW, 10 a.m. prepared by Charlotte County VFW Post 8902 at Keysville Hardware on Church Street. Pre-orders taken. Call (434) 568-6451. Leave name, quantity and call back number.
INDOOR EASTER EGG HUNT, 2-4 p.m. at the Patrick Henry Memorial Library. There will be fun craft stations and refreshments for your family to enjoy. Free and open to the public.
CONCERT, 3 p.m. by Sandy Creek Gospel Bluegrass Band at Rough Creek Presbyterian Church. Refreshments follow the concert and all are welcome to attend. The church is located at 110 Rough Creek Road, 3 miles north of Phenix on Highway 727.
ANNUAL CHOIR FESTIVAL, 3 p.m. hosted by the St. Michael Baptist Church Senior Choir. Guests appearing on the program include the New Bethel Community Male Chorus, the Galilee Shining Stars and the Mossingford Baptist Church Choir. Everyone is welcome.
MUSICAL SERVICE, 3 p.m. at Union Grove Baptist Church, 2006 County Line Road, Keysville, with lunch to follow at noon. Musical guests are The Finneys. All are welcome.
HOMEOWNER EDUCATION CLASS, Personal finances, 6-8 p.m. at Farmville United Methodist Church, 212 High St., Farmville. Dinner and child care provided. Free and open to the public. Space is limited. Register by calling (434) 394-3001. Sponsored by Habitat for Humanity.
HOMEOWNER EDUCATION CLASS, Making a savings and spending plan 6-8 p.m. at Farmville United Methodist Church, 212 High St., Farmville. Dinner and child care provided. Free and open to the public. Space is limited. Register by calling (434) 394-3001. Sponsored by Habitat for Humanity.
HOMEOWNER EDUCATION CLASS, Understanding credit, 6-8 p.m. at Farmville United Methodist Church, 212 High St., Farmville. Dinner and child care provided. Free and open to the public. Space is limited. Register by calling (434) 394-3001. Sponsored by Habitat for Humanity.