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Published 1:25 pm Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Spring cleaning is a ritual in many homes, though some might be forgetting to address an area of their homes that can be especially vulnerable to insect infestations. Kitchen cabinets and pantries used to store spices and baking items, such as flour, can make for inviting hideouts for various types of pests. These unwelcome guests include beetles, Indian meal moths and ants. To remedy this issue or prevent insects from becoming an issue, discard stale spices or dated baking items. Once such items have been removed from the cabinets and pantry and discarded, wipe down the interior of the spaces before installing fresh shelf paper. If the critters didn’t make their presence known in the cabinets, that doesn’t mean they haven’t made your kitchen home over the winter. Some might have opted to spend their winters behind appliances, including the stove and the refrigerator. As a result, it’s best to pull these appliances off the wall each spring, sweeping or vacuuming the dust and crumbs you find before mopping the floors.