Jones announces retirement
Published 1:37 pm Wednesday, February 20, 2019
“It is just time to get home to my family.” Charlotte county Sheriff Thomas Jones shared his sentiments regarding his upcoming retirement with The Charlotte Gazette.
His long career as a law enforcement officer has been wholly devoted to serving the residents of Charlotte county. It spans some thirty-eight years in total. The vast majority of those years; 31, according to his bio on the County’s webpage, have been spent working in his current position as Sheriff.
Beginning as a jail officer in Charlotte County’s Sheriff’s Department, Jones advanced quickly. According to the website, he graduated Criminal justice academy basic jail school in 1982, began as a patrol officer and graduated basic law enforcement academy the following year. He became an FBI National Academy Graduate in 1987.
He currently serves as a member of the Board of Directors of the Central Virginia Criminal Justice Academy and has served as the president of the Virginia Sheriff’s Association. He still serves on the Virginia Sheriff’s Association Board and is a member of the Legislative Committee; he served as Chairman of the Legislative Committee for seven years.
The following is an official press release from his office to the residents of Charlotte County. It not only announces his intention to retire but also expresses his gratitude for being entrusted with the safety of the county’s population for so many years.
“I was elected your Sheriff in November 1987. Since then I have had the opportunity to work with so many wonderful people who reside here in Charlotte County. Your trust and support of me has been overwhelming.
“I only hope that I have accomplished what I intended; providing you with the best law enforcement services available, and meeting your needs as a public agency. Our goal has always been to protect and serve.
“To my family, I owe a I can never repay. Their support, and the sacrifices made have been never-ending. They have truly been my rock and I look forward to spending more time with them.
“I leave a staff that is totally dedicated to enforcing the laws of the Commonwealth and serving Charlotte County to the best of their ability. I only hope they know how proud I am of them and how thankful I am for the support they have given me.
“Last, but certainly not least I give thanks to God for the blessings I have received. He has guided me through my career and blessed us all in so many ways, especially keeping us safe. I have never lost an officer or had one seriously injured, and that is truly a blessing.
“Once again, I thank you — the citizens — for your trust, your friendship, and for allowing me to serve you for so long. It has been a pleasure!
“May God bless you and may he bless Charlotte County.”
“Thomas D. Jones
Jones, continuing his conversation with The Charlotte Gazette, announced, “Well, you know, I have eight grandchildren now. I’m not getting any younger, either. It is time to stop and enjoy some time with them.”
When asked, Jones said he has no current plans like raising any crops after he retires, but he did say, “Well, I might teach the grandkids how to do something.”
He concluded his interview with The Gazette by saying, “I honestly have no complaints. The county’s (residents) have been good to me, the Board (of Supervisors) has been very good to me and I appreciate that”
“All in all,” he said, “I have really been blessed.”