Schools receive multiple bomb threats

Published 2:19 pm Wednesday, February 13, 2019

On Tuesday Charlotte County Public School (CCPS) authorities reported that the fourth of multiple bomb threats was written on a bathroom wall at Randolph-Henry High School.
Following this fourth threat, authorities reported that “students who are suspected of being involved in the prank have been identified. However, as a precaution, law enforcement is conducting a sweep of the school.”
Following the third bomb threat at CCPS over a period of seven days with no explosive devices found, officials with CCPS took action to stop what’s believed to be student-driven behavior once and for all.
They conveyed through a message that law enforcement officers are expected to have a stronger presence at CMS in the coming weeks until the “current student behavioral trend settles.”
The message from CCPS officials continued by addressing students. Any student found engaging in making threats will face “swift and severe consequences,” which could include legal charges being filed and consideration given for a 365-day expulsion from school.
At the conclusion of the message, school officials thanked the 99 percent of the CCPS student body who attend the county’s schools and practice good behavior. The first written bomb threat was reported Monday, Feb. 4, at Central Middle School (CMS). The message was written on a restroom wall.
The message was believed to be a student prank. As precautionary measures, the area sheriff’s department and Virginia State Police conducted
a search of the school that evening. The second bomb threat occurred the following Monday at Phenix Elementary School. Like the first
threat, it was a written message on a restroom wall and believed to be a student prank. Phenix Elementary School students were relocated to CMS that morning. Following a sweep at the school by law enforcement in which no explosives were found, Phenix Elementary School
students had lunch at Central Middle School and then were transported from CMS back to Phenix. At approximately 2:15 p.m. Monday,
CCPS officials reported a bomb threat written on a restroom wall at Central Middle School. Students at CMS were relocated to Randolph-Henry High School. After a message at approximately 3:15 p.m. reporting a search by law enforcement revealed no explosive devices, Central
Middle School students were transported back to the middle school for afternoon dismissal. Visit www. TheCharlotteGazette. com for the latest