Special called meetings set

Published 10:14 am Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Three special called meetings are set for Nov. 7. In Charlotte County.

The meetings will regard discussion concerning Public Private Education Act (PPEA) construction projects at Bacon District and Phenix Elementary Schools, extending the Dec. 5 real estate and personal property tax deadline and considering a memorandum of understanding in regards to establishing a 4-H shooting club sports to complete a project involving making improvements at the county owned range.

According to a notice from the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors, the special called meeting held at 2 p.m. at the Charlotte County Administration Building would regard the real estate and personal property tax deadline “to consider a request by the Commissioner of Revenue, Naisha Pridgen, and Treasurer, Patricia Berkeley, to extend the Dec. 5 deadline for the payment of real estate and personal property taxes,” according to the notice.

The notice said there are still issues with the county’s tax software that has not been resolved by RDA Systems.

In August, Berkeley said while things are not as chaotic as they were last year with the updated tax software system, “they are still very problematic and very concerning to me.”

“I’m not happy with the situation …” said Berkeley previously. She said her main concern is the fact that the company is not able to fix the issues being faced in both the Treasurer’s Officer as well as the Commissioner of Revenue’s Office in a timely manner.

The company, RDA Systems, updated the existing software to a program called Breeze, in which Charlotte County served as the beta test site for an updated version of the software.

Previously, the due date for real estate and personal property taxes in the county were extended because of problems with the software system.

Berkeley also previously discussed going out with an RFP (request for proposal) to see what other tax software systems are available.

“My thought has been for months we need to go ahead and do an RFP if the Commissioner is in agreeance with me because we are joined together in the same system,” said Berkeley in August.

She said the problems have been going on since May 2017. Tax deadlines were also previously extended last year due to system issues.

In addition, a request from Virginia Cooperative Extension will also be considered at that time.

The county’s notice said the request considered would be “to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the County to establish a 4-H Shooting Club Sports to complete a project that would make improvements at the County owned range. The MOU would allow 4-H to make improvements to the shooting range currently used by the Sheriff’s Office. The Sheriff’s Office is doing a letter of support, for a grant the 4-H Club is writing, and is in support of the MOU and use of the range. The County is not obligating any money or resources other than the use and improvements to the site.”

Additionally, The Charlotte County School Board will hold a special called meeting at 7 p.m. in the School Board Office to provide an update regarding PPEA construction projects at two elementary schools in the county, Bacon District and Phenix.

A notice from the Charlotte County School Board said additional renovations would also be discussed at this time.

Previously in June, PPEA proposal plans included a fixed price identified at $3.2 to include the addition of a 6,000 square foot multipurpose facility at both Bacon District and Phenix Schools and the addition of eight classrooms at Phenix, which would replace mobile classroom units.

Leonard said previously the focus was on security and accessibility, at which the entire team met at the two schools to do a walk through.

“The scope of parameters of what we were looking for was what we could do to improve accessibility and security of our schools that would go beyond the $3.2 million but reach a $6 million cap,” she said at that time.

Of the identified upgrades, above the $3.2 million scope, Leonard previously said Bacon District could use additional heating, handicap accessible restrooms and fencing in addition to upgrades in the main office, including moving it to the front and adding a security wall.

She discussed a security wall for both Phenix and Bacon District.

At Phenix, above the $3.2 million scope, Leonard previously said upgrades could include additional faculty parking, separating parent drop off from the bus drop off, additional sight lighting, renovating the administration area and updated circuitry.

Both schools could see kitchen area upgrades, painting, the addition of stage ramps and bus canopies.