Pre-planning is a plus

Published 9:18 am Wednesday, September 19, 2018

This past week, Hurricane Florence has been responsible for excessive flooding and displacing families.

In Southside Virginia, excessive rain was witnessed from the aftermath of Florence.

While Charlotte County did not witness the worst case scenario effects of Florence like some locations, the county had a plan and was prepared for the worst.

I would like to commend those in Charlotte County who met and came together to utilize resources to make sure the county was prepared for whatever the effects of Florence could possibly be.

Charlotte County’s Director of Emergency Services Garland Hamlett, Jr. was in continuous contact with various agencies to ensure the county was prepared and instrumental in making sure that information was relayed to the public.

Likewise, local agencies in the county were all prepared to do their part in making sure if disaster struck, there would be shelter and rescue options available to local citizens.

Hamlett previously said by pre-planning, problems could be prevented if a disaster were to actually occur.

“This is a time when neighbors need to look after neighbors,” he said. “We’ve gotta help each other out.”

As a small community, Charlotte County displayed a proactive approach in planning for the worst case scenario during Hurricane Florence.

Social Services Director Sari Goff said her organization usually tries to check on the nursing homes in the event of catastrophic weather and individuals in the county.

“Before, we’ve had several different plans …” she said.

However, Goff said her organization has already purchased canned goods for those who may be without electricity.

She said water would also be purchased in case it needed to be handed out.

A public service announcement from Hamlett said all citizens should make sure to have at least three days worth of drinking water, flashlights and extra batteries.

I hope in the future the county can continue moving forward and working together with the various local agencies to implement these wonderful pre-planning practices in the event of a local disaster.

Italia Gregory is community editor of The Gazette. Her email address is Italia.Gregory@ TheCharlotteGazette. com.