Town starts comprehensive plan

Published 9:55 am Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Town of Keysville is putting preliminary steps in place, including working with the Commonwealth Regional Council (CRC) to issue a comprehensive plan for the town.

The comprehensive plan was last amended in January 1995, CRC Executive Director Melody Fortune said in a memorandum provided in the August meeting board packet.

A comprehensive plan offers the town a vision for its future, and provides a set of guidelines that can help the area reach its goals.

A memorandum cited that the town requested the CRC to provide technical assistance for the comprehensive plan, including reviewing the existing comprehensive plan and other documentation associated with the plan, including demographic statistics, land use plans and capital improvement plans; helping the town conduct a citizen survey; conduct and meet with a working committee to discuss specific items on the plan and present updated town maps.

The CRC will also help conduct a community meeting about the plan that will allow citizens in the town the chance to offer input.

The town is expected to provide data relevant to the comprehensive plan, including prior comprehensive plans and town maps; notifying committee members and the public for meetings and assisting the CRC with the citizen survey.

The comprehensive plan project is expected to take 18 months and be the subject of 12 working committee meetings between the town and CRC.

A page of the agreement has signatures from both Foster and Town Mayor Audrey Payne.