First FCA Baseball Camp set for next week
Published 9:42 am Wednesday, August 15, 2018
The first Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) Baseball Camp is scheduled for Saturday, Aug. 25, at Keysville Dixie Youth Ballpark.
The event, which will run 10 a.m.-1 p.m., is intended for rising firstthrough eighth-graders, and it will be led by Randolph-Henry High School Varsity Baseball Head Coach Josh Barmoy, his staff and some high school coaches from around the area.
Barmoy noted that the camp is a way to establish relationships and prepare for the future.
“We’re looking to connect with the community of Charlotte County and really just get the kids to know the coaches, to be comfortable around us, to really have an impact on the community, share through baseball and the good fellowship of time,” he said.
There is a plan for what the camp will be like, but Barmoy related that everything is not set in stone beyond this year since this is the first edition of the event.
“We kind of have a learning curve with it … and hopefully after this year, we can gauge what we need to improve on and maybe if we need to change a few things up …” Barmoy said. “But this is looking to be an annual thing for us …”
The plan is to break up the campers into their age groups, with fifth- through eighth-graders in one group and first- through fourth-graders in the other.
“We’re going to split them up into different positions — outfield, infield,” Barmoy said. “And the biggest thing is we want to give the kids obviously quality instruction but as well as some drills and activities that they can take home with them to be able to use. So most of our drills and stuff that we’re going to be doing is not going to involve a whole lot of equipment.”
For more information, contact Coach Barmoy at barmoyjr@ccps.