Kids enjoy hunt for Easter eggs

Published 10:31 am Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Collecting large quantities of Easter eggs and wearing even larger smiles, kids between toddlerhood to age 12 took part in an Easter egg hunt at the Wayland Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Keysville last Saturday.

Mary Fowler, activities director with Wayland, estimated the event is in its third year. “Each year it has grown,” Fowler said about the public’s attendance of the event. “It’s gotten more popular.”

Children in three age groups, 0-5, 6-8 and 9-12, took part in separate Easter egg hunts, which took place in front of the center. A child in each age category got the chance to find a golden egg. If they managed to find one, they could trade it in for a special Easter basket and a trophy.

Lincoln Rowley-Clark, Rylynn Cross and Desiree Hughes won the trophies and Easter baskets. Fowler said Wayland had a total of 1,500 Easter eggs for the event, 500 for each category. Many of the eggs had slips of paper inside of them, which they could trade in for prizes.

She said they made sure to offer more prizes like toys and stuffed animals than candy, noting prevalences of food allergies and not wanting kids to feel left out. “We tried to avoid too much candy,” Fowler said.

Rylynn enjoyed the hunt and the prizes. “It was fun!” she said about the event.