Outside firm to conduct search for administrator

Published 11:00 am Wednesday, March 7, 2018

A request for proposal (RFP) for an executive search firm to conduct a search for the next Charlotte County Administrator has begun.

According to a notice, “The Charlotte County Board of Supervisors is soliciting proposals for Executive Search Firm Services for the recruiting, selection and hiring of a new County Administrator.” The RFP was issued Feb.28.

The RFP said the selected consultant will be responsible for a variety of recruiting efforts, including conducting “full background, effectiveness and performance assessments of qualified candidates and will be required to work diligently to advance the process, ensuring an expedient hire date for the new County Administrator.”

The announcement came after longtime County Administrator R.B. Clark announced during a February meeting of the Supervisors he would retire from his position effective June 30.

Clark has served as County Administrator since 1981.

During the meeting, Clark said he has worked for 37 years in public service as the Charlotte County Administrator.

“And believe it or not, a total of 44 years in public service if you count the 7 years I was with the school division,” Clark said previously. “I’ll be doing all I can do to help out with the transition,” he said.

Clark previously said he has loved every minute of his time serving, yet he does not want to participate in the selection process of the next County Administrator.

“Well, Mr. Clark, I’m sure there will be lots of words said at a later date,” said Board of Supervisors Chairman Gary Walker during the meeting. “I’m speechless and that doesn’t happen very often.”

The RFP said Clark is the only person to have ever held the position and currently serves as the county’s Zoning Administrator and Emergency Services Coordinator.

According to information on Charlotte County’s website, Clark also currently serves on the Virginia’s Heartland Regional Partnership Board of Directors, is Treasurer of the Virginia Heartland Regional Authority Board, on the Bank of Charlotte County Board of Directors since 1983 and on the Virginia’s Growth Alliance Board of Directors.

In addition, the website said Clark previously served on the Commonwealth Regional Council, Crossroad Services Board, Virginia Economic Development Partnership Board of Directors, Virginia Association of Counties Group Self Insurance Association Board of Directors and Virginia Association of Counties Transportation Board.

“It is Charlotte County’s intent that this Request for Proposal is part of a competitive procurement process which helps to serve the County’s best interests while providing Offerors with a fair opportunity for their services to be considered,” the RFP read.

The RFP calls for the County Administrator to be responsible for a variety of duties including “carrying out the day-to-day operations of the county in accordance with the policies of the Board of Supervisors, and overseeing the general operation of the county including budget preparation, funds management, personnel management, purchasing, economic development, property management, compliance with state and federal laws and regulations, planning and zoning.”

The consulting firm will be responsible for planning and executing a recruitment effort that will attract diverse candidates for the position.

“After identifying those candidates whose qualifications most closely match the criteria established by the Board of Supervisors, the consultant shall analyze and assess the professional and personal qualification and achievements of each, matching their credentials with the position specifications,” according to the RFP.

Proposals are due March 26 no later than 4 p.m. at the County Administrator’s Office in order for search firms to be considered.

The RFP said the contract is expected to be awarded on or near April 11.