Clark announces retirement

Published 9:39 am Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Longtime County Administrator R.B. Clark announced plans at a Tuesday meeting of the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors to retire effective June 30.

R.B. Clark

“Ladies and gentlemen of the board, I’m going to make the announcement today of my planned retirement for June 30 at the end of the 2017-18 fiscal year,” said Clark.

He said he has worked for 37 years in public service as the Charlotte County Administrator.

“And believe it or not, a total of 44 years in public service if you count the 7 years I was with the school division,” Clark said.

He said he will be 71 on Feb. 18.

“I’ll be doing all I can do to help out with the transition,” said Clark. He said he has loved every minute of his time serving, however, he does not want to participate in the selection process of the next County Administrator.

“Well Mr. Clark, I’m sure there will be lots of words said at a later date,” said Board of Supervisors Chairman Gary Walker. “I’m speechless and that doesn’t happen very often.”

According to information on Charlotte County’s website, Clark currently serves on the Virginia’s Heartland Regional Partnership Board of Directors, is Treasurer of the Virginia Heartland Regional Authority Board, on the Bank of Charlotte County Board of Directors since 1983 and on the Virginia’s Growth Alliance Board of Directors.

In addition, the website said Clark previously served on the Commonwealth Regional Council, Crossroad Services Board, Virginia Economic Development Partnership Board of Directors, Virginia Association of Counties Group Self Insurance Association Board of Directors and Virginia Association of Counties Transportation Board.

He hold a B.S. and B.A. from East Carolina University and a M.Ed. from the University of Virginia.

He has been Charlotte County’s Administrator since 1981.