Eureka HVAC repairs underway

Published 11:06 am Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Construction continues to be underway for Eureka Elementary School’s $3 million HVAC renovation project.

According to Tim Burge, representative with project manager Skanska Building USA, contractor members have demoed the ceilings along with the kitchen, cafeteria and the three classrooms that make up the band area.

“Duct work has been removed,” Burge said. He said duct work was slated to be reinstalled last week. Additionally, he said the roofing was set to start last week along with the installation of access ladders. “It’s a busy time right now,” Burge said.

Superintendent of Charlotte County Public Schools (CCPS) Nancy Leonard said she wanted to express appreciation to those involved with the renovations.

“I am seeing progress at Eureka Elementary on the renovation of the HVAC system,” Leonard said. “I cannot express to you how exciting that is.”

Leonard said that she appreciates the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors for listening and working with the CCPS school board when she and the school board came before the supervisors at a joint board meeting.

“Thank you for taking care of our children,” Leonard said to the supervisors. “This is very exciting and we just want to express appreciation to you for that.”

In February, the school board offered a presentation to the Charlotte County Board of Supervisors outlining the school’s budgetary needs and a six-year capital improvement plan.

During this time, school board members expressed an urgent need at Eureka regarding repairs for the heating, cooling and ventilation system.

The cost of the project would run $2.1 million for HVAC and electrical work and $400,000 for roofing. Skanska Building USA Representative Curtis Elswick said in May that other components of the project would push the cost to $3 million.

Leonard said the school board is moving forward with follow up meetings and seeing the renovation advance.

Leonard said she will be sharing information with the school board on the progress made.

“Our school board is working diligently to review where we are with recommendation for the next step in our school facilities, so that all of our children in Charlotte County can have equal educational facilities,” said Leonard. “We’re excited about that.”

Elswick said the project has an estimated completion before the summer of 2018.