Departing council members honored
Published 4:22 pm Thursday, December 15, 2016
- Phenix Fire and Rescue Chief Walt Bailey presented Gladys Reid with a plaque for her service to the Phenix community. Reid is one of three Phenix Town Council members who recently completed their terms of office.
The Phenix community gathered Thursday to recognize three town council members for their dedicated service to the town. The three council members — Berta Childress, Gladys Reid and Bob Turner — received plaques of recognition for their service to the community.
As a member of the Phenix Town Council, Turner was a part of the audit and budget committee, cable television committee and care/use of the municipal building committee. Reid was chair of the cable television committee, as well as a member of the audit and budget committee, care/use of municipal building committee and water committee. Childress served on the special projects committee, streets and grounds committee and zoning research committee.
While on the town council these now former members played a part in overseeing many improvements to the community including conducting the town’s annual parade, Christmas decorations, planter boxes, and other numerous improvements.
After light refreshments, the approximately 75 people gathered discussed various improvement topics and stated their desire to work with the new council to help improve the town. Some of the possible town improvements included hosting movies under the stars with the help of Phenix Volunteer Fire and Rescue. The idea is that a projector and sound system provided by the department would show a variety of films on designated days. These films could range from children’s classics to holiday-themed showings.
In addition to the possibility of showing movies in the Phenix community, the town discussed economic development and attempting to get garden clubs or other local groups interested in doing projects around town.
The ideas were conceived from a group of interested individuals who plan to present them to council at an upcoming meeting after the first of the year.