Legislators want Nelson as judge
Published 8:45 pm Tuesday, March 1, 2016
A majority of lawmakers in the Virginia General Assembly who represent counties in the 10th Judicial Circuit want S. Andy Nelson, a juvenile and domestic relations judge in Mecklenburg, to fill a circuit court judgeship vacancy.
Circuit Court Judge Joel Cunningham announced his retirement in January, causing the vacancy.
“All of the legislators that represent portions of the 10th Circuit District have cast votes to fill the vacancy created by the retirement announcement of Judge Joel Cunningham,” Sen. Frank Ruff, R-Mecklenburg, said in a press release.
“The names are a recommendation agreed upon by the Senate members whose districts are affected and still need to be approved by the General Assembly,” said Ruff’s legislative assistant Cindy Hosmer.
According to the release, if Nelson is tapped as a circuit court judge, this creates an opening on the juvenile and domestic bench. “Nora Miller, Commonwealth Attorney for Mecklenburg County, received the majority of votes to fill that position.”
The 10th Judicial Circuit includes Appomattox, Buckingham, Charlotte, Cumberland, Halifax, Lunenburg, Mecklenburg and Prince Edward counties.