Farmville employment office will close in May

Published 8:49 am Friday, January 29, 2016


The Farmville branch of the Virginia Employment Commission (VEC), located at 221 Sunchase Blvd. in Farmville, will close in May.

According to VEC spokeswoman Joyce Fogg, the part-time office, which serves Amelia, Buckingham, Charlotte, Cumberland, Lunenburg, Nottoway and Prince Edward counties, is only open three days a week.

“There are two classified staff there. One has accepted a job in the VEC’s Tri-Cities office and the other will be transferred to another of the VEC offices, which is where these two staff work the other two days a week,” she said.

There are four wage staff who work 20 hours per week,  Fogg said. The wage staff will be laid off.

The office’s website lists Stanley Ragland as the manager/supervisor.