School board appoints new chair, vice chair
Published 5:49 pm Wednesday, January 13, 2016
On Tuesday, the Charlotte County School Board appointed Kenny Redmond as the new chair of the board and Larry Fannon as vice chair.
“Thank you all for your vote of confidence,” Redmond said. “I appreciate that. I will try to do the best job I can.”
Redmond represents the Aspen/Phenix District of the Charlotte County School Board.
Newcomer Larry Fannon will serve as the vice chair of the School Board. Fannon was recently elected as a member of the school board in the 2015 general election. Fannon represents the county seat.
In addition to the appointment of chair and vice chair of the board, a clerk of the board and finance committee had to be selected.
Previous Clerk of Board Dana Ramsey was reappointed in the position of clerk.
“Just as a point of reference, typically in the past the finance committee people were not appointed,” said Superintendent of Charlotte County School’s Nancy Leonard. “The whole board served as the finance committee together.”
However, Board Clerk Dana Ramsey said a motion must be passed for the board to act as a whole for record-keeping purposes.
A motion was made and The Charlotte County School Board voted unanimously to act as the financial committee.