Saxe and Drakes Branch news
Published 11:16 am Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Birthday wishes to Leon Mosley, Jan. 8, Clover; Dequane Morton, Jan. 8, Charlotte Court House; Selena Wilmouth, Jan. 8, Drakes Branch; Sammie Davis, Jan. 9, Hampton; Pauline J. Foster, Jan. 9, Richmond; Dominic Garris, Jan. 10, Richmond; Frances F. Scott, Jan. 10, Roanoke; Matthew Glasscock, Jan. 12, Saxe; Juanita Davis, Jan. 12, Midgett Md.; William Thompson, Jan. 12, Drakes Branch. Happy birthday! May this day always be a special one to remember.
Anniversary wishes to Barbara and Ralph Foster, Jan. 8, Saxe, 53 years; Zack and Diana F. Edwards, Jan. 8, Richmond, 40 years. May God bless you with many more happy years together with His blessings.
Merry Christmas to everyone and I hope you have a happy New Year. I look forward to writing the news for you in 2016.
Get well wishes to all of the sick and shut in. I hope you are well soon. You are in our prayers and thoughts for a speedy recovery.
Thought for the Week: Happiness held is the seed. Happiness shared is the flower.
News is due Sunday at 1 p.m. to (434) 568-0596.