The purpose of college

Published 11:38 am Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The old phrase “the inmates are in charge of the asylum” could never be more true than on some of our college campuses.

What started at the University of Missouri with a few students and at least one irresponsible faculty member has suddenly spread to several campuses nationally and will probably continue to many more before it reaches a conclusion.

Within a week, it was at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond.

There they forced their way into the offices of the president and made demands that were either none of their business or that could harm their education and that of the many who simply want to receive a good education.

At the University of Missouri, they demanded that the president resign based on the fact that he did not act on someone yelling a racial remark. When the eighth year student complained in a report, he could not give a single lead as to who or where the remark came from.

He could only say this one incident in eight years meant that racism was overbearing on the campus. He began a hunger strike that inspired a small following that included part of the football team.

When the football players threatened to boycott practice and future games if the president did not resign, he resigned. This was the inspiration at VCU and other schools across the nation.

What were some of the demands being made in this movement?

Their national leader stated they wanted free education. They demanded that past loans for education be forgiven, and a $15 minimum wage be provided to all workers.

What they have created is a monster that will make all sorts of demands on many campuses until responsible administrators step forward and end this type blackmail.

The proper action the University of Missouri should have taken is exactly what I expect of any Virginia college. If a ball team refuses to practice and play, start forfeiting games. If the boycott continues, start taking away their scholarships. Let them find another school that wants a trouble-maker on their team.

Frank Ruff, a Republican, represents Charlotte County in the Virginia State Senate. His email address is