A treasure of infinite value
Published 1:18 pm Friday, October 9, 2015
Jesus tells two short parables in Matthew 13:44-46 that are very closely related. The first compares the kingdom of heaven to a man who finds a hidden treasure.
After finding the hidden treasure, he quickly covered it back up and sold all that he had so he could buy the field where he found the treasure.
Then the treasure would be his.
The second compares the kingdom of heaven to a man searching for fine pearls.
Once he found one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had so he could purchase this pearl.
He demonstrated a desire to purchase the pearl no matter the cost. So what does Jesus mean? How is the kingdom of heaven like this?
Jesus is first demonstrating to His disciples the great value of the kingdom of heaven. It is more valuable than a hidden treasure in a field or a pearl of great value.
The reality is that hidden treasures and pearls do not last forever. They can be destroyed or stolen. But the kingdom of heaven will never end. It lasts forever.
Therefore, it is infinitely more valuable than even the hidden treasure or great pearl in these parables.
In light of this, we see how we should respond to the kingdom of heaven. The first man was willing to sell all that he had to purchase the field where the treasure he found was located.
The second was willing to sell all that he had to purchase a pearl of great value. They highly valued these things and were willing to do whatever it took to get them.
How do we think about the kingdom of heaven? As more valuable than a hidden treasure?
As more valuable than a great pearl? I expect you may affirm with your words that the kingdom of heaven is more valuable than a hidden treasure or fine pearl.
The better question is whether we actually live our lives in light of this reality.
If the men in each of these parables were willing to sell everything they had to purchase a treasure and pearl that will not last forever, how much more should we be willing to give for the sake of the kingdom?
These parables call for a reorienting of our priorities. What do you value more than the kingdom of heaven? What does your life indicate that you value more?
Only you can answer that question because the answer is likely different for each of us. May we examine ourselves, and live our lives valuing the kingdom of heaven over and above anything this world has to offer.
Adam Blosser is the pastor of Drakes Branch Baptist Church. He can be reached at adam@drakesbranchbc.com.