The Word: Know that God desires everyone

The WordRecently we finished a Bible study that focused on the Book of James. Our studies led to the conclusion that if you believe in God, then you will do the works of the Father. In other words, your belief will be so true, so impactful, so life changing, that your desire will be to do the will of the Father. You will want to serve God. You will have an attitude of “Wow, I get to serve God!” It will be an honor and not a drudgery. It will be a joy and not a tiresome list of dos and don’ts.

John 3:16 points out, “that whosoever believes in Him.” Belief is not merely accepting that God exists. Believing in God is active. Please do not misunderstand, I am not saying that ‘work or acts’ save you. Absolutely not! In fact, the Word says, “by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” (Ephesians 2;8,9) The Word also says, you are equipped to do anything that God requires or asks you to do. (Ephesians 4)

You see, when you put your faith in God, your life changes. God immediately deposits the Holy Spirit within you to help you. That supernatural life force dwells within you so that you are able and capable. As you learn the Word, you begin to line your attitude, actions and even thought processes with Gods. You become less like you use to be and more like you will be when you see God face to face – the Word says, we become whole when we are “face to face” with God.

As Christ followers, sometimes we mislead others. We just want people to be saved from the horrors of hell. And yes, if that is their last breath, we do not want them to be eternally separated from God. The bigger picture is that God desires more than our one-minute profession. He desires to spend time with us and desires for us to introduce our family, friends, neighbors, and acquaintances to Him. The “whosoevers” should be hearing about God, learning about God, and seeing God in our lives as we live out our faith. Simply, our belief in God should be more than words. If we believe, then there will be actions of faith.

As Christ followers, may we demonstrate that God desires to know everyone. May God be glorified as we seek out the “whosoevers,” believe/trust so much in God, that we do the works of the Father.

Yvette Perrin can be reached at



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