Eureka’s color run

Published 3:25 pm Wednesday, April 10, 2019

On Saturday, March 23, Eureka Elementary held its inaugural Color Run. Almost three hundred participants supported the run by purchasing kits which included a T-shirt, sunglasses, tattoos, a bracelet and a color packet. Participants could run, jog, or walk a mile around Eureka’s grounds, having color powder showered upon them, while enjoying the sounds of DJ’s Tony and Crystal Hammonds. It was a morning of inspiring, vibrant, multicolored fun, all to support Eureka’s SOAR program. Under the creation and leadership of teachers, Susan Higdon and Meredith Reynolds, the SOAR program promotes Self-control, Ownership, Acting responsibly and Respect with students.
All proceeds from the event provide for and support behavior incentives, as well as an end of the year trip for students who have followed the SOAR rules all year. Many local individuals and businesses came together to help make the inaugural event a SOARing success.
The Eureka SOAR committee is looking forward to next year’s Color Run!