Uniting to help find a cure for ALS
Published 12:25 pm Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Relatives of Curtis Tharpe gather in front of the event sign near the conclusion of the second annual Curtis Tharpe Golf Tournament held at The Manor Golf Club in Farmville on Sept. 22. Fifty percent of the proceeds from the event go to the ALS Association, with the other 50 percent going to the Virginia Deer Hunters Scholarship Fund. Tharpe’s wife, Margaret Tharpe, was pleased with the event, and she said, “I certainly hope they will find a cure for ALS.” Nick Hall, president of the Virginia Deer Hunters Association, helped organize the event in memory of Curtis Tharpe, who was a close friend of his. The tournament raised more than $20,000 last year. Pictured are, from left, Chris Tharpe, Mike Tharpe, Beverly Kunath, Lauren Kunath, Lindsey Kunath, Curstan Tharpe, Sherry Tharpe, Kerwin Kunath, James Tharpe and Margaret Tharpe.