Follow your dreams
Published 12:25 pm Wednesday, March 8, 2017
I’m from a small town by the name of Drakes Branch. I’m sure you’ve heard of it. As of the 2010 Census, the population was just 530.
Currently, Charlotte County, of which Drakes Branch is a part, is in the process of receiving its first-ever stop light at the intersection of Crafton’s Gate Highway, where U.S. Route 360 and Route 47 meet.
Too often, I find myself describing Charlotte County as a place “near Lynchburg” or “near Richmond.” Even since the U.S. Vice Presidential Debate was held at Longwood University, Farmville has gained significant notoriety and can be used as a landmark. However, Charlotte County is much more than a small town located near these more urban areas.
Contrary to what some may believe, you do not have to be from a large city or metropolitan area to enjoy the opportunities and advantages that life has to offer. In many ways, I’ve found that living in Charlotte County has afforded a unique experience for the individuals who work and raise families in the area.
Growing up in a small community provides a humbling outlook on life. The close-knit bond found within the county is special and comforting in many ways.
While there may limited opportunities for employment in certain fields, I like to live by the phrase, “If you want something bad enough, you’ll go out and get it.”
It’s never too late to follow your dreams and take a chance on life. There is always a way to expand your horizons beyond the circumstances.
I was recently casted in a role on a national television show. While there are no local opportunities in this field, it was imperative to go out and find them. Did it matter that I was from a small town? Of course not! Entertainment has always been an important part of my life, and in many ways, being a Charlotte County native has shaped my attitude.
Small towns encompass a variety of multi-talented hidden gems just waiting to scratch the surface. I encourage citizens of Charlotte to live out their dreams no matter how big or small.
Italia Gregory is the community editor of The Charlotte Gazette. Her email address is