Apex to reopen fitness center

Published 7:51 am Monday, December 28, 2015

Apex Day Support Services in Charlotte Court House recently announced plans to reopen the Charlotte County Fitness Center.

According to assistant manager of Apex, Sarah Lord, the gym will be called The Apex Fitness Center.

Currently, Lord said the project is in the early planning stages. She said The Apex Fitness Center will provide satellite television as well as other amenities, such as heat.

In addition, the fitness center will serve as a meaningful work experience for the clients at Apex, she said.

As a day support program for adults with special needs, one of the goals of Apex is to provide more integration experiences for the individuals they serve.

“We provide normalized age-appropriate activities including community integration, job skills training, life skills training and other supports for our participants,” Lord said. “Apex has made it our goal over the past few years to network within the community and create friendships and cooperation for our clients.”

Lord said Apex clients would participate in day-to-day operations of the fitness center.

“The opening of the gym represents a culmination of several goals,” Lord said. “It will give individuals at Apex the chance to have meaningful jobs that pay real money. It will also give them daily, real-world interactions with people in the community. Lastly, it will give our folks a chance to give back a needed service to their community.”

Katie Wallace, a client at Apex Day Support Services, plans to work in The Apex Fitness Center upon completion.

“I feel that with the gym opening, it would give people like me and others with disabilities the opportunity to help themselves by having a job, doing things like operating it and helping the gym business to grow more for themselves and the community,” said Wallace.

Another client at Apex Christy Shoplock, said she would like to have a job at the gym vacuuming and dusting to earn some money.

The proposed hours for The Apex Fitness Center are Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m., Saturday from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. and 2-6 p.m. on Sunday.

Lord said as the operation grows, she hopes the hours will extend.

Proposed rates will start at $25 a month for a student membership and $35 a month for a regular membership. Each additional family member may be added for an extra $5 a month.

The target opening date for the gym is set for Jan.15, said Lord.